Our sterilizers are able to grant

  • Destruction of smells
  • Destruction of bacteria
  • Destruction of molds
  • Destruction of viruses
  • We offer products producing
    o z o n e

    for tools

    Model with
    magnetic mast

    Proved by the University of Udine, Dipartment of Foods Science (Analyst: Prof. G. Comi).
    It is able to grant the destruction of protected and not protected virus and bacteria (It works to room temperature)
    It is completely automatic, it bathes ozone from 6 to 100 PPM according to the planed time.
    The catalitic oxidation of the ozone on the viruses proteins grants its elimination.
    It is possible to gain access to the tools pushing a button, it will start a fan equipped with a suitable catalizer, wich will transform the ozone in oxygen,
    before its opening.
    for dental tools

    Certificate of Analysis
    N°485/MC-Protoc 219/94 of 15-06-1994
    P=Total Bacterial Charge
    %=Survival after sterilization

    Pieces of cutlery Before After %
    KNIFES 372/P 0/P 0
    KNIFES 274/P 0/P 0
    Tool Sterilizer for
    ice-cream shop and eggs

    Type Features and Prices

    Type Cod. Voltage
    Sterilizer 0045 220 720x610x180
    Sterilizer 0060 220 900x720x180
    Sterilizer 0060 INOX 220 900x720x180


    Thanks for your visit!

    For further information
    E-Mail : E-Mail to Oxygene

    Associazione AnnoZero

    Strada Mulazzano, 108 - 43037 - Lesignano Bagni (PR) - Tel.: 0521853243 - Fax: 0521852321

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